
What are signs and symptoms that indicate that karma may be in play?

1. Fear, depression, sadness, anger, or other intense emotions flooding your system with an intensity that doesnt match your current circumstances and experience. The feelings dont make sense in the story of your life as you know it.

 2. Your body exhibits repeat symptoms like rashes, migraine headaches, weight gain, or other chronic symptoms that doctors have no explanation for and/or that you sense have a deeper meaning.

 3. One or more relationships in your life feel karmically challenged: theyre uncomfortable, dont make sense in the context of this life and yet neither you nor the other person is capable of letting them go. No matter the effort and attention, you’re not able to resolve the issues at hand in a satisfying way, and you likely feel stuck.

 4. You keep repeating the same drama in your life and are aware of a pattern, yet you can’t identify the cause or figure out how to break free.

 5. You feel stuck around a certain area of your life, such as finances, romantic relationships, friendships, finding your purpose, a fulfilling profession, and/or developing your intuition. No matter how much effort you put in, it feels like you are not living  your truth.

 6. You react strongly when you experience or encounter certain smells, sounds, period movies, cultural or religious beliefs.


Who Is KSI for?
KSI is an inclusive modality that welcomes anyone who wants to explore and heal at a soul level. People from all walks of life use KSI to move past areas where they are stuck and can’t find a way forward with the methods, information, or tools they already have access to. 

There’s no need to be a psychic super-star or even especially intuitive, though of course it doesn’t hurt. Any work you’ve done in the realms of psychology, ego-investigation, and personal growth will aid you in going more deeply and quickly with KSI, though none of this is required to begin. All you need to do is to pay attention to themes and situations that keep showing up in your life, notice how you respond to them, and be willing to investigate your thoughts, beliefs, feelings and life circumstances from a broader perspective that includes the full spectrum of time and space. 

The more surface details of our lives pale in comparison to what we discover when working at a soul level. In the big picture, all things are ultimately forgivable and all problems and ailments will find the right cure or solution. If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and take an honest look within, KSI may be for you. This could be the lifetime that you find the healing or peace you seek.
Nicole has worked full time with clients using KSI for more than fifteen years and has been using and developing this process since early childhood with herself, family, and friends. Her client base is eclectic and international; she works with people of all ages, backgrounds, cultures, religions, spiritual traditions,  and social classes.  She’s a  regular woman  living an ordinary life with an extraordinary gift for seeing and mediating soul patterns.  Her kindness, openness, and sense of humor immediately puts just about anybody at ease. The structure of KSI is just as inclusive as Nicole.
The intention of KSI is to serve you on your soul’s journey through this lifetime and beyond.

What are the Benefits of KSI?

The benefits of KSI widely vary depending on each person and their karma.

Possible benefits include:

1. The freedom that comes from:
Taking responsibility for your life and soul choices
Instead of blaming others or life circumstance and feeling like a victim, you’ll see how you’ve created your current reality and how it’s the perfect situation to learn the valuable lessons you came here to learn. Seen from the soul’s perspective across lifetimes, you are in the driver’s seat, and can’t but relax and enjoy your life more when you realize this.

Discovering how much karma you really owe.
When you look from your soul’s perspective you see that you’ve played both the victim and violator countless times across lifetimes, along with dozens of other polar opposite roles. When you put them together through the unbroken chain of time, the victim sees how he had it coming and the violator realizes she already paid for it. Much of the emotional charge, guilt, and blame dissolve, along with the remaining karma. You will be and feel lighter and more free in every way. Then you’ll see what karma may remain and can use KSI’s tools to figure out how best to “repay” it. More freedom ensues.
Experiencing deeper levels of compassion and patience with yourself and your environment as you understand your circumstances on a deeper level.
Forgiving  yourself and your fellow travelers while untangling complicated karmic knots.

2. Identifying karmic patterns is empowering. You’ll become more aware of how karmic patterns can be the source of highly charged emotional tendencies. By simply noticing the relationship between karmic patterns and your emotions, you are less likely to be overpowered by fear, depression, sadness, or anger.
3. Ongoing physical symptoms resolve. Not all physical symptoms are related to karmic patterns or themes, but the persistent and tricky ones often are. When you identify and move through dissolving a karmic pattern at the source of symptom, it will either resolve on its own or you will find yourself attracting the proper physical treatments and answers. In fact, that’s one way you know that you’ve hit on the right pattern and KSI is working.
4. Gain new insight into ongoing challenging relationship patterns. When you see that the source of many relationship patterns lies beyond this lifetime, you’ll better understand the undercurrents in the relationship, as well as gain valuable insight into how the relationship can be improved. You’ll be able to resolve the issues within yourself rather than blaming circumstances and expecting others to rescue you.

5. Stop repeat drama in your life by finding out what your core soul lessons are and learning techniques to deal with deep-seated soul wounds.
There are markers and signs you’ll see when a given pattern or theme shows up. If you become skilled at noticing and identifying the signs when they emerge in your life—often showing up as drama—you’ll be more easily able to identify what type of pattern or theme it’s connected to, and gain more insight into what your soul lessons may be. Once the lessons are revealed, KSI has a toolbox of techniques for you to use to heal soul wounds. Learn the soul lesson and the need to create drama disappears.

6. Areas in your life that were challenging or blocked are back in a healthy flow!
Many times we find that we have more ease, insight and abundance in certain aspects of our lives like finances, work opportunities, attracting healthy partnerships or stepping into our own power.

Infinite Sky is a fit for you if:

1. You’re ready to do the work.
2. You’re willing to be brutally honest with yourself and looking to go deeper into your soul’s truth.
3. A sense of humor and the ability to have a good laugh at your own expense are greatly appreciated.
4. You have done a lot of work on yourself and feel that your issues defy conventional therapies, or even unconventional ones.
5. You have the discipline to see things through and do your own homework.
6. You are looking to explore new avenues and learn new tools.
7. Your heartfelt desire is to unlock your soul’s potential.
8. You are exhausted by chronic karmic patterns and are ready to clear them once and for all.
9. You have had a series of super-natural experiences and/or soul awakening symptoms and don’t know how to integrate them into your daily life.
10. You are a healthcare professional and are looking to develop your intuition further so that you can better assist your clients and loved ones.
11. Additionally Infinite Sky welcomes creative people that are looking to expand their horizons and old souls in need of some extra tools.
12. Individuals that have basic psychology knowledge plus some exposure to spiritual/energetic modalities as well as a strong passion to go deeper into the exploration of human nature.
You don’t need to meet all of the above criteria to qualify!
Restrictions beware:
1. KSI is not for the faint of heart.
2. This work is not a fit for people that expect someone else to do all the work for them. 
3. No chronic victims please.
4. Infinite Sky doesn’t run an emergency service
The issues we deal with have most likely been brewing for a very long time…if they can’t wait for another few weeks or months, KSI isn’t what you most need right now. 
5. Infinite Sky does not a sell a miracle cure or a product that works for everyone.
6. We do not seek to replace doctors or psychiatrists. If this is an emergency please dial 911.
7. Infinite Sky does not offer a weekly support system nor is it a soul nanny agency.

If you are interested, please contact us for additional information!